Welcome to the SAP BPC and HANA blog

Welcome to the SAP BPC and HANA blog On this site, I will publish the contents of my book on Implementing SAP BPC and HANA. It is a compr...

365 Inspirational Quotes

 My new book

As a gift for my wife, I have created a book full of motivational and inspiring quotes. She loves this type of book and have many in her collection, and I though, instead of just buying one, I will make one for her. 

Each page contains a few quotes and is beautifully illustrated.

Here is an excerpt from one of the pages and you can get a copy here

SAP BPC Training Courses

I have decided to move all my training courses to YouTube for free. If you like the courses, please subscribe and support me on Patreon.

The links to the various courses and playlists can be found in the pages to the right.

So that means al the courses, that previously were paid content through udemy is now free for you to enjoy and use. However, since training courses are expensive to creat3e and maintain, please could you support me on Patreon:

Become a Patron!

You can support me further by buying the guide book for the BPC Emedded course here in print or ebook: